Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Multiple Intelligences and technology

Oh to be intelligent in other ways. This is what Gardner had in mind when he introduced his multiple intelligences theory. This theory makes so much sense when you consider the numerous talents that children posses today. Another element that is working in favor of the multiple intelligences theory is technology. When you have children that thrive with lessons that are focused on nature and are naturalistic in nature it might be difficult to accommodate them in the classroom environment. In that case you can assign work over the Internet or through power point and then the students can tap into the nature they need. They can also write essays on environmental issues with research they have found on the Internet. Having that outlet for children is so beneficial because they are focusing their efforts on something that really interests them and they enjoy it as well. What can be better for a child than learning new information while having fun as well. The Internet and other forms of technology, like music and sometimes even cell phones, can help children to broaden their horizons and expand their knowledge base.

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